Speaker | Athlete | Veteran

Transforming Lives and Businesses Through RAW RESILIENCE

Whatever it takes…KEEP. MOVING. FORWARD.


  • Rich is authentic, inspirational and relevant! My team left smiling, energized and ready to charge the hill moving toward their goals!

    Wyatt Graves, Host, The Mentee Podcast

  • All audiences will benefit from hearing Rich's message -- the inspiration and authenticity stay with you long after you see him speak. It's unforgettable.

    Stephanie McCullough, Founder, Sofia Financial

  • Rich's passion and dedication to inspire Raw Resilience in audiences to overcome obstacles is empowering on every level!

    Katie Niemeyer, Speaker, CRNA, Entrepreneur

  • Rich's presentation is relevant to any group. It highlights the dedication and sacrifice of the members of our Armed Services, emphasizing the importance of RESILIENCE at every stage of life.

    PDG Karen Swaim Babin, President, Rotary Club of Metairie, LA