Channeling Anxiety in Your Favor - Pains Are Equitable to Gains

Most of us have been there before. Anxiety hits us like a cheap shot from Mike Tyson. Out of nowhere we are in the doldrums, uncertain what the future may bring. Uncertain whether our heading is true, or leading us to ruin. I know I’ve been there. It has tenancy in my home, like the unwanted guest you try to circumvent, studying their routines as to not cross paths. It has put me in the fetal position on the couch more times than I care to admit. And then you do what any rational person does…you seek help, and are prescribed a 100mg dosage of a little football to manage it. That’s the sad truth of modern medicine. Dose ‘em up and keep feeding Big Pharma. I say fuck that. Awareness, perception and action…that’s all we need to stay out of the Big Pharma cycle and live healthier, happier lives.

Long ago, there was a widowed Chinese farmer. The farmer and his only son labored through the cold winds of winter and scorching rays of summer with their last remaining horse. One day, the son didn’t lock the gate of the stable properly, and the horse bolted away. 

When neighbors learned what happened, they came to the farmer and said, “What a sadness this is! Without your horse, you’ll be unable to maintain the farm. What a failure that your son did not lock the gate properly! This is a great tragedy!”

The farmer replied, “Maybe.”

The next day, the missing horse returned to the farmer’s stable, bringing along with it six wild horses. The farmer’s son locked the gate of the stable firmly behind all seven horses.

When neighbors learned what happened, they came to the farmer and said, “What happiness this brings! With seven horses, you’ll be able to maintain the farm with three of them and sell the rest for huge profits. What a blessing!”

The farmer replied, “Maybe.”

The next day the farmer’s son was breaking in one of the wild horses. The son got thrown from the horse, fell hard on rocks, and broke his leg. 

When neighbors learned what happened, they came to the farmer and said, “What a great sadness this is! Now, you’ll be unable to count on your son’s help. What a failure to break in the horse properly! What a tragedy!”

The farmer replied, “Maybe.”

The next day, a general from the Imperial Chinese Army arrived to conscript all the young men of the village into the army. Their assignment was to fight on the front lines of a battle against a terrifying enemy of overwhelming force. The farmer’s son, because of his broken leg, was not taken. 

When neighbors learned what happened, they came to the farmer and said, “What a great joy! Your son avoided facing certain death on the front lines of the battle. What a blessing!”

The farmer replied, “Maybe.” 

Once we aware that these anxious fits are brewing, we have to perceive them as the Chinese Farmer perceives the circumstances in this parable. The emotions we feel under struggle should be perceived the same as the emotions we feel in states of ecstasy. Our pains AND OUR GAINS are both just part of the process, part of our journey in life. No one on earth [that is clinically sane] is without these emotions. So, we need AWARENESS that these emotions are occurring, realizing that without control they create instability, then, we PERCEIVE them as no different than any other emotion because we know “this too shall pass” and it’s part of our process, and finally we have to take IMMEDIATE ACTION to reap the full benefits of what our brain is telling us.

I’m glad you asked. If you have time, meditate, or conduct a breathing exercise, but above all else, journal. I carry a composition notebook with me everywhere I go…a smorgasbord of content from tasks, notes and what I’m about to tell you. First, write down exactly what/how you are feeling…helpless, like a failure or that you’re not cut out for what you’re trying to achieve. Next, write down why you think you’re feeling this way…what is going on in your life that could trigger this bout…all of it, dig deep…kids, work, money, health. Then, write down what you are actually doing to achieve your goals, or wherever your journey leads. Could you being doing more? What is it that you could do differently to get you closer to your destination. And finally, write down affirmations to affirm that you are exactly where you need to be, or are doing exactly what you need to be doing. And if you were astray, you just outlined what you need to do to get back on path. At this point, you’ll realize it is all just part of the process, and get this…you’ll KEEP MOVING FORWARD. This small process will turn your anxiety into a catalyst for progress.



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